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Parallel Universe: Obama as Moderate Republican, Romney as Blue Dog Democrat.

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Is it really that far fetched?


The Romney that was Governor in Massachusetts, you know, the Romneycare, pro-life, Romney could easily have been a Blue Dog. And if the GOP was the way it should be if it wants any hope of winning the White House in 2020 and beyond, it could easily nominate that Romney as its candidate.

And Obama the cautious, you know, the Obama who went soft on Wall Street, and pushed a Heritage Foundation Healthcare plan, and piled the Stimulus with tax cuts, and bailed on Elizabeth Warren, and didn’t take us out of Aghanistan, and is busy piling sanctions on Iran, and took out Osama Bin Ciao for Now, could easily be a moderate Republican in the Ford, Dole, Teddy Roosevelt, Bush the Elder, mould.

And here’s the i-y-ony.

A GOP Obama would be beating a Democratic Romney just the same as he is now.

Written by coolrebel

September 16, 2012 at 10:33 pm